Charlie Wheeler

About me:

Hello! My name is Charlie Wheeler and I am a journalism student from Dorset, England. I set up this blog in March 2024 as I want to be able to share my experiences with the world, as well as telling other people’s stories too. My website will include reviews from places I’ve visited, films I’ve watched and more, as well as interviews with people from around the world.

I am an extremely social person and I love communicating with people and finding out about their lives. I love conducting interviews as it gives people the chance to talk and to share stories from their heart. I love listening to the adventures and journeys that people have been on as it is both insightful and inspiring. It is my sincere hope that you feel inspired when reading these interviews and reviews as everyone deserves to have the chance to experience incredible adventures.

In November 2021, I set up a YouTube channel names ‘tnswaves’. On this channel I created content on the hit dance show ‘The Next Step’, as well as conducting over 100 interviews. These interviews opened my eyes to the world of media as I was given advice and heard stories from people who I looked up to. My YouTube channel is something which I will forever cherish as it gave me the confidence to take risks and to go for something if I feel passionate about it. You can visit my YouTube channel here:

I have a dream to travel the world one day as it would be incredible to see all the beautiful wonders of the world. I have been lucky enough to travel to a variety of places such as, Finland, Majorca, France, Lanzarote and Gran Canaria. Travelling to these places was incredible as I got to see and experience a variety of different cultures. When I visit my next destination I will be sharing my time there with you all on this blog. I am looking forward to sharing my adventures and experiences with you all.

Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and for supporting my website. I hope you enjoy it!

Best wishes,

Charlie x